What the other guy is saying is this: The actual runnable bootable form of Android is not necessarily free. The source code is. To make source code run, you have to "compile" it. So then you'd have to have a compiler that can output runnable programs (called binaries) that work with YOUR PARTICULAR PHONE. Let's say you have a Samsung. Well, LG phones have different hardware, so the binaries from an LG would not run on a Samsung. The code has to be compiled specifically for the Samsung.
Another misconception: Linux is not freeware. It's open source. Notice that you can't go download Red Hat Linux (in binary/runnable form). You CAN, however, download the source code, and compile it yourself. In fact, that's what CentOS is. They take out all the Red Hat logos, replace those logos with CentOS logos, then compile Red Hat and offer it for free download. But that doesn't make it freeware. The open source licenses are different.
PS: Regarding your answer on the Mac v PC question, Macs are NOT based on Linux. They're based on BSD, which is completely different.