2011-12-13 10:26:27 UTC
a. /var
b /tmp
c: /usr
d /root
e / etc
2.What is the PID of Init,
a. 0
b. 1
c 2
d undefined
e unknown
3. Which is the proper filesystem to install external application (oracle, etc)
a /etc
b /sbin
c /usr
d /opt
4. How do you change the ownership of a file,
a chmod 755 file
b chown 755 file
c chown user:group file
d chown group:user file
e chown user file, chown group file
5. Where is the syslog in the linus filesystem?
a /var / log /syslog
b /var/lib/syslog
c /opt/syslog
d /etc/syslog.log
e /sbin/syslog
6. which of the following contains the structure of the kernel?
a /opt
b /proc
c /dev
d /var
7. What is the meaning of the ¨l¨in the following line?
lrwxrwxrwx root root 0 2010-05-26 file 1
a Hard link
b Soft link
c File library
8. how do you display all the processes running in the system?
a ps faxwu
b ps fw
c ps
d ps vw
9. Which of the following commands is used to display network information( Choose Two)
a ifconfig -a
b ip a sh
c ifconfig -last
d ip display