You need to add the .lib file to your project.
If you built it from source with a VS project, you can just add that project as a dependency, and VS will figure out which .lib file to include (debug or release) based upon the build type.
If you just have the object library in a .lib file stored someplace, you need to:
1. Add the directory containing the .lib file to your list of places to search, if it's not already in a standard place. Right-click on the project and select Properties. Under "Linker" click "General", in the "Additional Library Directories" box, click the [...] button and paste the full path name of the directory into the window (or click the [...] button in THAT window and navigate to it. Click OK. (You can leave properties open for the next step, though.)
2. Add the library filename as a dependency. In the project properties (see above) under "Linker", click "Input". In the "Additional Dependencies" box, type the names of the libraries (des.lib or whatever it is). Separate multiple file names with commas. Click OK.
Now rebuild, and the linker should find everything it needs.
The first answerer doesn't read the answers much here. You can often get more focused help at places like,,, and such, but there are some pretty good people answering questions here, too. RatchetR, for example, is #3 on the BA list here, and answers mostly developer questions in various languages. There are many more.