Microsoft Visual C++ actually offers the best C++ IDE I've ever seen.
But there's a very hefty price tag and the software you develop with it may or may not be cross-platform compatible without significant code alteration.
That's what you get for using Microsoft's stuff.
I've used the top-edition MSVC for a while, and it's essentially complete.
It isn't easily extensible, but the IDE offers _better_ auto-completion then Eclipse, contains extensive profiling tools, a nicely integrated and fully-featured debugger, and graphics pipeline diagnostics.
But last year I switched my operating system to a Linux distribution and therefore I lost my ability to run the software; it's a shame, but there are alternatives, if they're not so easy to use.
What I am missing now is the graphics pipeline package, but that's it.
My current workflow is all free GNU stuff:
(heavily customized) emacs -> (autoconf) -> make -> build product -> GDB (in emacs, again)
It works very nicely. I will build via shell by entering M-! make
, instead of F5, but really, in most respects, this is actually _faster_ then an IDE.
Another option would be Netbeans. It's essentially a wrapper of all the stuff above (like most IDEs) but it already has autocomplete built in, so you don't need to customize anything out of the box.
I'll be honest with you, out of all the IDE's that I've tried, MSVC is the best, and Netbeans is the second.
But although I have the option of using Netbeans, I still use what I've described above, as I feel like that's faster then the IDE, if not easier to use.
There's also an Eclipse "C(++) development toolkit", which I don't like too much, but that might just be because it's hideous.
So I suggest MSVC > GNU Toolchain && Good, extensible editor > Netbeans > Clang > Eclipse CDT
Note that I really prefer those with feature-completeness, so I strongly suggest you to to select one that's compliant with C++11.