Well, I learned in college when my school switched over from Pascal to C++ during my studies.
C++ is not really all that difficult, you just need to get some program examples going and then take them apart and play with them. I still feel that the best way to learn is to get a working program and then start modifying it and experimenting with it. Like I said the language itself is not all that difficult but you may have more trouble with the object oriented programming methodology.
These two sites are really good, give them a try (Their creators put a lot of work into them):
Well then two of the foremost authorities on C++ are Bjarne Stroustrup and Scott Myers.
I would not recommend reading any of Stroustrup's books to start with as they tend to rattle on in theory and are very dry. Scott Myers is an excellent author but his books are more of how to do certain things correctly or more effectively (excellent books though!). You do have to be very careful as a lot of so called C++ books are just re-labled C books (at least the early ones were).
The Stroustrup Books
Excellent Books by Scott Myers
I like hands on tutorial type books when learning a new language. Deitel and Deitel are usually good books in that aspect. Years ago I owned a copy of "C++ How to Program by Deitel and Deitel" Give it a look over. I would definitely start with a book like the one below and then if you want more background, theory or pointers then go for some of the books above by Stroustrup or Myers.
Good luck!