whoever is a good programmer make the following c++ programs for me?
2014-01-14 08:23:24 UTC
I would be grateful to anyone who can help me with the following 10 questions.. i will give 100 thanks even if you make any one of it with proper c++ codings
i want the programs to be understandable by me so please write comments
i have studied till 2 dimensional arrays , user defined functions(not recurring ones) , # define and type def of book C++ Programming By Sumita Arora Class 11
i havent studies graphics.h so pls dont use it
the programs are

1) Program To Accept any date as dd mm yyyy and print output as given below
Input date: 1 1 2014
Outpur:1st January 2014
(use numbers as 1st 21st 2nd 3rd 4th 22nd as dates)

2)Write a program to make a simple calculator for basic operations including %.sqrt & trigonometrical functions( sin cos tan )

3)Write a program to accept admission no. , date of admission, class , section, name of student, category( categories are BSP, NBSP , Staff), Bus Comuter(if yes then- Township or Out Of Township) for any 10 students using structure . Then print the fee list .
{for above question i just want the input method and output i can manage the calculations for fee)

4)Program to display a calengar for year 2014. Provide options for previous month, next month, by default january month will be displayed on screen
(display sundays in red , fridays in green, (26 Jan 15 Aug and 2nd oct in yellow))

5)Write a program to accept roll no. name of student , house name (10 letter word), marks of 5 subjects of any 10 students and pring the output in a suitable format as
Roll No. /t Name /t House name /t Total Marks /t Percentage /t Result
for result the method is if in any 2 or more subjects marks are LESS than 33 then display FAIL
in 1 subject less than 33 display COMPARTMENT
if %age between 33 to less than 50 display D division ,50 to less than 65 C division , 65 to less than 80 B division , 80-90 A division, 90+ Distinction

6)Program to accept type of figure from user and display area of
square ( ask for length of side)
rectangle( ask for length and breadth)
triangle( ask for length of 3 sides )
cylinder ( ask for height and base radius)
Design menu to chose object ( use # define and typedef)

7)Program To accept any 5x5 matrix of integers then print sum of all the elements, sum of columns, diagonal, sum , according to users choice.

8)Write a program for General Knowledge quest , store ny 10 questions in the program itself using array and display questions 1 by 1 on the screen ( answers will be in characters not integers)
user will enter the answer , At the end of quiz display total score ,total correct answers and total wrong answers and remark( Outstanding, excellent, very good, good, work hard, poor, below average)

9)Write a program for hotel management for any 10 customers and print the output.
customers name , room no. no. of persons . no. of rooms. type of rooms(luxuary , air conditioned, super delux , delux etc) VAT( value added tax yes or no.. no if person is doing govt service), Payment method( if cash no extra amount, if cheque then 20 rupess extra , if credit card then 50 rupees extra) room charges( depending on type) And total

ask the informations at 1st then print the above

10) Program to display a periodic table and ask the user to type the symbol of the element and display and 5 properties of that element..

pls display atleast 15 elements and 25 at max
Three answers:
2016-03-11 02:45:23 UTC
Are we talking just an independent function or a class member function? I can only assume you mean a class member function since you did not include the array itself in the parameters. class MyArray { private: m_Array[ARRAY_INDICES] public: const int ARRAY_INDICES=10; void SetData(int n, double val) { if ( n < 0 || n >= ARRAY_INDICES ) { // maybe throw an exeption return; } m_Array[n] = val; } double GetData(int n) { if ( n < 0 || n >= ARRAY_INDICES ) { // maybe throw an exeption return; } return m_Array[n]; } };
2014-01-14 09:25:24 UTC
At least try to do your own code.. If you get stuck, THEN post here and we will gladly help you. But don't come here and expect us to write all of your code for you :p
2014-01-14 08:30:21 UTC
Seems like a home work. No offence but We are not here to do Home-works

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