2014-01-14 08:23:24 UTC
i want the programs to be understandable by me so please write comments
i have studied till 2 dimensional arrays , user defined functions(not recurring ones) , # define and type def of book C++ Programming By Sumita Arora Class 11
i havent studies graphics.h so pls dont use it
the programs are
1) Program To Accept any date as dd mm yyyy and print output as given below
Input date: 1 1 2014
Outpur:1st January 2014
(use numbers as 1st 21st 2nd 3rd 4th 22nd as dates)
2)Write a program to make a simple calculator for basic operations including %.sqrt & trigonometrical functions( sin cos tan )
3)Write a program to accept admission no. , date of admission, class , section, name of student, category( categories are BSP, NBSP , Staff), Bus Comuter(if yes then- Township or Out Of Township) for any 10 students using structure . Then print the fee list .
{for above question i just want the input method and output i can manage the calculations for fee)
4)Program to display a calengar for year 2014. Provide options for previous month, next month, by default january month will be displayed on screen
(display sundays in red , fridays in green, (26 Jan 15 Aug and 2nd oct in yellow))
5)Write a program to accept roll no. name of student , house name (10 letter word), marks of 5 subjects of any 10 students and pring the output in a suitable format as
Roll No. /t Name /t House name /t Total Marks /t Percentage /t Result
for result the method is if in any 2 or more subjects marks are LESS than 33 then display FAIL
in 1 subject less than 33 display COMPARTMENT
if %age between 33 to less than 50 display D division ,50 to less than 65 C division , 65 to less than 80 B division , 80-90 A division, 90+ Distinction
6)Program to accept type of figure from user and display area of
square ( ask for length of side)
rectangle( ask for length and breadth)
triangle( ask for length of 3 sides )
cylinder ( ask for height and base radius)
Design menu to chose object ( use # define and typedef)
7)Program To accept any 5x5 matrix of integers then print sum of all the elements, sum of columns, diagonal, sum , according to users choice.
8)Write a program for General Knowledge quest , store ny 10 questions in the program itself using array and display questions 1 by 1 on the screen ( answers will be in characters not integers)
user will enter the answer , At the end of quiz display total score ,total correct answers and total wrong answers and remark( Outstanding, excellent, very good, good, work hard, poor, below average)
9)Write a program for hotel management for any 10 customers and print the output.
customers name , room no. no. of persons . no. of rooms. type of rooms(luxuary , air conditioned, super delux , delux etc) VAT( value added tax yes or no.. no if person is doing govt service), Payment method( if cash no extra amount, if cheque then 20 rupess extra , if credit card then 50 rupees extra) room charges( depending on type) And total
ask the informations at 1st then print the above
10) Program to display a periodic table and ask the user to type the symbol of the element and display and 5 properties of that element..
pls display atleast 15 elements and 25 at max