all answers are OK. You can get some idea how to implement java script in html code from above examples. Let me explain you what is java script.
-- Used only for designing.
-- A markup language interpreted/understood by web browsers to give some output.
-- Main disadvatage is, doesn't support programming.
Server side programming/scripting (java, php etc)
-- All processing done in server.
-- database interaction, all manipulation, request/response management etc.
-- After processing it sends response as text or html which is interpreted by browser and ouput comes.
(Each time you click or submits a page, a request goes to server processing done there and response came back. For example while submitting a email form of yahoo, it sends request to yahoo server, saves your filled details in database and response cames as successfully registered). All this processing is server side procesing.
Client side scripting (java script or vb script)
-- Here all processing done in client side (means user pc) without sending control to server.
-- For example while validating a form detail. If you have not filled a field at that time a alert came with a message to fill that field. At that time the page doesn't got refreshed and all your filled data are there as filled.
-- If for each field validation we are dealing with server side scripting then
page will be refreshed, control will move to server, check for valid field.data. Again send control to client pc with message that u need to fill that data. So for such type of opeartions server side scripting is not efficient, so we must go for client side scripting which directly executes in client pc and deals with client side components (like form elements, page color, page design etc)
-- In comparision to vb script, java script is widely accepted for its normal coding standard and interoperability.
If page refreshed then control goes to server, else if processed in client pc then client side scripting.
I think only knowing HTML is not enough. You must learn java script. As you can made your page design dynamic with programming.
Hope all these will help you. In case of any doubt directly mail me.
Thanks & Regards
Sakti Prasad Mishra