Programming languages came to be through evolution. Initially, a computer accepted instructions as a series of 0/1 codes. There's a lower level, of voltages and currents, but this not important to understand initially how it works.
People found that these 0/1 codes are hard to remember. So they created 3/4 letter words for them. (such as MOV, ADD, DIV, etc) They believed it was better to work with these, and let an automated computer program handle converting these words to 0/1 sequences.
People then developed various higher level languages such as Fortran, Pascal, Basic, Cobol, smalltalk, etc. They believed those MOV and ADD were still too hard to work with. They wanted to get as close to a human language while maintaining a syntax that could be parsed. During their development various ideas, concepts, and constructs were developed. Good ideas were used in other programming.
It was an evolutionary process of trial and error. People came up with various ideas and the good ideas survived, while the bad were learned from and never used again.
They are created by individuals using existing programming languages. These individuals find that this language is no good for this task, or they disagree with how the language was designed, or they got new ideas they want to add to the language, and then decide to create a new programming language.
Hundreds of programming languages have been developed. The problem with this was that different people were using different languages and they couldn't work together. Certain languages became popular, while the others never caught on.
Also, when a programming language becomes popular (such as C++), strict standards are developed by standards organizations such as International Standards Organization, ANSI, NIST, etc. for these programming language so a consistent robust standard exists. Then companies that produce programs that parse and convert to 0/1 sequences for the computer (compiler programs) are required to conform to these standards.
Furthermore, different languages were developed for different purposes. Certain languages were developed to be interpreted instead of converted to 0/1 sequences. The internet brought about new technologies and programming languages or code.
To create a new programming language. You first have to design it. You define the keywords, the syntax, operators, etc. You may revise this later. Then you develop a computer program called a compiler or an interpreter. The purpose of the compiler is to read code for this new language, parsing it and converted it to machine code (0/1 sequences) that the computer understands. Then you produce documentation and destribute it with your compiler or interpreter. Then people are available to produce computer programs with your new programming language by using your compiler.
The interpreter works differently by reading code, parsing it, and then taking action on the code. The interpreter is really the program running on the computer. It's like any other program, but instead of it acting on keys being pressed on the keyboard or mouse clicks it acts on the code that has been read, parsed, and interpreted.