you can create free website without investing any money...
i had made many free web site...
step I -
fistly you have to learn HTML language which is the most basic language for any website can learn html through internet ( do not invest money for buying any book ) the suggested web site for learning HTML is
step II -
if you already have some knowledge of htm or you get basic knowledge(only small knowledge is sufficient for beginning the site designing) as you get more knowledge as you build the web site.
now the question is how to start site designing without having lot of knowledge of html.
the solution is that, you have to download any of the html editor available on internet which help you to make your site both graphically or through coding .so you can design your site graphically also.
the best software which is available on internet is DREAMWEAVER.
download this software and start your site designing.
if you are using slow internet connection then you can download portable version of adobe dreamweaver which is about 37 mb
download the torrent of this from...
if you are you using high speed internet connection ,then you can download macromedia dreamweaver 255.58 mb /Macromedia_8_Flash__Dreamweaver_and_Fir...
you can use any of the above dreamweaver .both have same working ,same interface and same quality.but the size is different.
it is very easy to work with this software and your website.
step III -
now to design a good professional web site you have to use templates which is not so necessary,but it gives a good look to your website . you can get many free HTML templates on have to search on Google so that you get the template according to your choice .
while working on any template you should have some knowledge of css(cascading style sheet).but if you do not have any knowledge on it,no problem. you can also work without knowing will get knowledge while working on it.
you can download some of the html template from
as i already said that you have to search template according to youself.
if you do not get template ,then contact me...i will help you
step IV - now edit the template in dreamweaver if you are making site through template otherwise make your own theme or template for site designing.
step V - after completing your offline site(pages of site made in your computer),now you have to need two things domain name and web hosting without spending any money.
a) free web host
now you we have to make a free web host account.
Web hosting is a service that allows users to post Web pages to the Internet.
there are many free host available on internet...
register the web host according to your requirement.......
i am not going to give a list of many free web host and their advantages and disadvantages
the best web host it get after using a lot of free web host ..i finally get
advantades of this web host over other that i used :--
1. no adds on your web site through the web host.but if you want to put your adds on the site ,you can do. limitation of file size of the page or flash or picture which you are going to upload . can also use ofingo to upload your php provide the server for php website also.
4. it provide seven database in free account .as it is not provided by any free web host. is mysql and php my admin supported server.
and many more
after making the account on
you get a sub domain...which will be used latar.
b) free domain name
i always use the the free domain name from
it gives the free domain name ,which look like
there are also many more free doamin name providing sites
but this dosnot open at many places.
so register your domain from here
search for free available domain name and register it.
now redirect your site to the sub domain ,which you get from web host.
your web site designing get completed.
i think it will help you........................................