Programming is the easy part of making games (although it is the highest entry barrier for most people), the real hard part is designing a game that is enjoyable and fun.
1. where can i learn to make a game from scratch (not using a website to make the game for me)
If you want to take it the hard way (i.e. not using existing game engines), you must take your time to learn programming. Any languages will do, pick your own poison.
2. what websites can help me learn
It depends on what language you choose. There are game oriented forums, you might want to get into one of these.
3. what programs are needed when making a game
in no particular order:
- an image editor
- 3D modeller (for 3D games)
- pixel art image editor (a specialized image editor for creating sprites)
- a piece of paper or book (to store your ideas, game design, story, etc) - or a program that do similar thing
- a good programmer's text editor (or an IDE)
- a compiler/interpreter for your program
4. should i learn how to program with things like visual basic/c+/c++ ect before making a game or can i learn it along the way
You can learn it along the way, though if you do this, you should start small. Start by making a console/text-based games first. Get used to the syntax, the idioms, the logics, how things are done by the language. Then you can start making simple 2D games, learn how computers graphics works. Learn how animation is not actually a moving image, but just a sequence of still images played very fast. Only after that would you stand a chance with 3D games (personally, I thought most 3D games sucks, but it may be I'm just a retro).
5. do games use the same code as normal programming or is something different needed
Mostly the same. The libraries are slightly different. Game programming uses DirectX or OpenGL graphic library to use the Graphic Card to render sprites or shapes, regular applications uses a windowing system like GTK+, Qt to draw buttons and textboxes. These windowing system uses graphic libraries in the background, but that's not the point.
6. is there a step by step tutorial to do this
Google's a friendly mate.
> multiplayer type stuff for example things like game of empires/mythology or starcraft type game
You have a way too inflated expectation. A 3D games requires a lot of work (by a lot of work, I mean like 3-4 years with a TEAM of at least ~20 fellow designer/programmers/artists)