2010-04-02 17:51:15 UTC
The program I'm trying to work on uses the int main() to guide the flow of events. Then I have an input function, a processing function, and an output function.
I kind of understand the processing function and how that works.
I'm having trouble understanding how you call an input function. When I was looking around online I would see how your would take in some input in the int main() section and then pass those values to a function which you call...
But you're not really passing anything to the input function are you? Aren't you just trying to call it so int main() diverts to that function in the program? Then you pass the input values from the function to the processing function???
I hope I made some sense, and if I could get a really simplified example of some code then I might be able to figure it out from there. Maybe a little info on the workings of C in this instance because I don't really get it...