I have been thinking about learning a scripting language, I've already decided I would be using javascript which will be good for web things in web applications but what would be good for a scripting language that could control files on a computer easily in simply? So for instance let's say I have a thousand files and I need to rename them all I don't want to ride along program out that to do something so simply in quickly if done with scripting I'm not even sure if that's true that scripting would make a quicker or easier I do not have very much experience with it but if someone has experience with it I would be very interested to know a good scripting language I should focus on. Preferrably one that would be good with real world applications I am NOT interested in a scripting language is for teaching people the simple way to program already have a strong foundation with programming I don't know if this makes sense I'm just rambling now but if you can understand what I'm getting at I'd appreciate to hear from you