The problem is with the strcpy() call.
In my compiler (MinGW) that variables iNo, cName and cMidd are placed at the following locations in memory.
iNo 0x28FF20
cName 0x28FF1B
cMidd 0x28FF10
i.e. they are contiguous in memory with cMidd in the lowest location, followed by cName then iNo. In the 'table' (at the bottom) below I've shown what happens when you do the strcpy() call as a before and after. The table contains ADDRESS -> BEFORE -> AFTER. Note that the before and after have their hex values in brackets when they represent a character.
As you can see, what happens when you do the strcpy() is that 'university' is copied character by character from cMidd in to cName. However cName only has 4 characters (plus a nul). Once you get past that position strcpy() continues, overwriting what comes after it which, in this case, is iNo. strcpy() only stops when it reaches the nul terminator of the source string. You need to make sure that, if you're using strcpy(), the destination string is at least as long as the source string. You could consider using strncpy() instead but fundamentally you need to re-work your variable declarations for this one.
You can see from the table below that your 10 (4 bytes -> 0x0A/0x00/0x00/0x00) gets overwritten with 0x72/0x73/0x69/0x74 which, when translated to decimal (with the bytes the right way round) is 1953067890. The thing to remember here though is that this is MinGW working with 32 bit values. You have to take into account that Turbo C might location the variables slightly differently in memory, and may also be working with 16 bit ints, but the principle is the same which is, as I mentioned, that strcpy() continues copying until it finds a nul ('\0') in the source string, even if it means overwriting all sorts of other stuff in memory.
By the way - I don't know Turbo C but you could probably watch this happening using the debugger with a memory view open.
0x28FF10 -> 'u' (0x75) -> 'u' (0x75)
0x28FF11 -> 'n' (0x6E) -> 'n' (0x6E)
0x28FF12 -> 'i' (0x69) -> 'i' (0x69)
0x28FF13 -> 'v' (0x76) -> 'v' (0x76)
0x28FF14 -> 'e' (0x65) -> 'e' (0x65)
0x28FF15 -> 'r' (0x72) -> 'r' (0x72)
0x28FF16 -> 's' (0x73) -> 's' (0x73)
0x28FF17 -> 'i' (0x69) -> 'i' (0x69)
0x28FF18 -> 't' (0x74) -> 't' (0x74)
0x28FF19 -> 'y' (0x79) -> 'y' (0x79)
0x28FF1A -> '\0' (0x00) -> '\0' (0x00)
0x28FF1B -> 'e' (0x65) -> 'u' (0x75)
0x28FF1C -> 'x' (0x78) -> 'n' (0x6E)
0x28FF1D -> 'a' (0x61) -> 'i' (0x69)
0x28FF1E -> 'm' (0x6d) -> 'v' (0x76)
0x28FF1F -> '\0' (0x00) -> 'e' (0x65)
0x28FF20 -> 0x0A -> 'r' (0x72)
0x28FF21 -> 0x00 -> 's' (0x73)
0x28FF22 -> 0x00 -> 'i' (0x69)
0x28FF23 -> 0x00 -> 't' (0x74)
0x28FF24 -> 0x14 -> 'y' (0x79)
0x28FF25 -> 0x00 -> '\0' (0x00)
0x28FF26 -> 0x00 -> 0x00
0x28FF27 -> 0x00 -> 0x00
0x28FF28 -> 0x1E -> 0x1E
0x28FF29 -> 0x00 -> 0x00
0x28FF2A -> 0x00 -> 0x00
0x28FF2B -> 0x00 -> 0x00
0x28FF2C -> 0x28 -> 0x28
0x28FF2D -> 0x00 -> 0x00
0x28FF2E -> 0x00 -> 0x00
0x28FF2F -> 0x00 -> 0x00