If you are doing this just for fun and not looking to become marketable the best and I think the most straight forward is Visual Basic. While some people believe this is an old language and you are wasting your time they are not looking at it from just starting to learn programming.
There is very little you can't do with it once you learn it.
The nice thing about it is you can go to the Microsoft web site and download the design application for free.
It is called Visual Basic - Express. There are many items included that will get you started. There are several sample programs includeing a screensaver program that you can play with that will display any RSS feed you would like while the saver is running. Changeing the program to go to the RSS feed you want will teach you quite a bit in and of itself.
It is easy compared to C, C++, or just about any other script language. But remember this. Learning any computer language is just like learning a foreign language. You will only be as good at it in relation to how well you study it. So for getting your feet wet it is a great place to start.
There are a lot more programs out there than most people know that have been written in this language. You are limited by only two things. Your knowledge of the language and your imagination.
If you are looking for something that will get down to the bits and bytes or something that you could use in hacking, this would not be it. It is an old language. One step up from basic but a very big step. And the development package is free to download.
Check it out. You will like it.