You need to set a ENVIRONMENT Variables to your java installation folder..
You need to set your in two ways.
1) PATH :- this will set your compilation path
step 1: goto Start--> Control Panel --> click on System
step 2: In the System Properties, click on the Advanced tab--> and click on the Environment Variables button in the bottom
step 3: In the Environment Variables , goto the system variable..
select the PATH and edit. You will be opened a popup with Edit System variables--> in the variable value .. add semicoln (;) and add your java installed bin location like (C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_16\bin)
step 4:- Click ok to close all windows.
2) CLASSPATH :- this will set your run path
Follow the above steps through 2 and in third step you need to open CLASSPATH and edit. You will be opened a popup with Edit System variables--> in the variable value .. add semicoln (;) and add your java installed lib location like (C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_16\lib)
step 4:- Click ok to close all windows.
All d best