I think learning by example is the easiest.
int myArray[3] means you have declare an array call: myArray and the data type is integer and total capacity of it is 3.
It is just like you declare a normal variable, just that array simplify your programming.
You could declare the 3 integer variable to store the values instead of an array but practically it is too much work and hard to maintain.
So, an array is an easy way for you to store related data using the same variable array name.
int myBankAccount1, myBankAccount2, myBankAccount3;
as compare to: int myBankAccount[3];
Now let say you need to initialize each bank account to start with 0:
so in the coding:
myBankAccount1 = 0;
myBankAccount2 = 0;
myBankAccount3 = 0;
and in array case:
for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
myBankAccount[i] = 0;
Now imagine you are dealing with 10,000 bank accounts. Then you will realise you have to use Array to handle it better than just declare 10,000 variables.