What is the programming language that will last the longest?
2017-06-01 15:43:28 UTC
I was wondering what will be the language that will last the longest, the one that will go on and be used for the longest time
Three answers:
Grumpy Mac
2017-06-02 14:41:55 UTC
The days of when you could learn 1 language and have a job are gone.

You have to understand HTML to write crawlers in any language.

You often have to know SQL to write back-end code for most websites in Java, Perl, Python.

You often have to know Ruby to write configuration files to create and keep virtual machines running to support your web site or company infrastructure running in the cloud.

I had one job that used perl to reach out and collect files from partner FTP sites, run Java to process the files in a Hadoop cluster, used PL/SQL to bulk load the results into a database, Used SQL to clean & merge new data into tables, then used Java to pull out new data into MongoDB so our web site had access to it through a java based REST service.

So each language has it's strengths. A good developer is not a 'fanboy' of any 1 language.
2017-06-01 19:17:04 UTC
There have been languages used for decades. COBOL, FORTRAN, C, C++... they have been around for decades and will be around for awhile longer. C/C++ is used extensively in the gaming industry due to its speed. This alone will keep it around for a good long time.

But as for knowing how long any language will last is up in the air. Until there is no need for it and no tools that support the language, it will probably be around for a long long time. Some languages even get a second chance and become popular again. Some take a long time to catch fire (just like JavaScript).
2017-06-01 16:25:55 UTC
The most used language is currently the different versions of "C". ost languages that have come out in the last 10 to15 years borrow heavily from the "C" syntax. The concepts fro in "C" are also universal to all languages that have come out in the last 20years. If understand "how" to program (using loops, conditions, variables, functions, etc.) you can program in any language using a syntax guide.

If you are trying to decide what language to learn, it depends on what you plan to do with the language. "C" is used for creating large and complex application. While "PEARL", "Powerscript" and and "Phyton" are used for creating server scripts and routines to run behind a web page. HTML and CSS are used to create web pages. "Java" issued for web apps. SQL is used f databases. And so on There is no one language that is the "best on" to larn.

Kind of like asking which of the dozen tools in a toolbox is "the" tool that you have to have. While a hammer is essential, it can not do what a screwdriver can. And can not replace a saw or pair of pliers.

If you want "one language", then learn "C". But be aware that you will also have learn other languages f you are serious about programming.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.