1. What is ping?
PING is a command used to send packets to network devices. There are some default options that suffice to diagnose network connectivity.
PING is part of the ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol), a set of network tools. When you use PING against a network device, your computer will issue several ECHO REQUEST (type 8) packets to the other machine, and that machine will answer with ECHO REPLY (type 0) packets to your machine. Before doing that you must be sure that the remote machine has the ECHO REPLY function enabled, as not all network administrators allow responses. If not enabled you will not receive replies and you could think that something's wrong.
So, your computer sends packets and then receives the answer, and the computer is able to tell you the time used to travel all the way back. And that should give you an idea of the status in that specific test.
For example, if you do a ping to Google:
ping www.google.com (ENTER)
Pinging with 32 bytes data
Response from bytes=32 time=202ms TTL=242
Response from bytes=32 time=136ms TTL=242
Response from bytes=32 time=183ms TTL=242
Response from bytes=32 time=130ms TTL=242
Packets sent= 4
Received= 4
Lost= 0
Max= 202ms
TTL stands for Time To Live. If a packet's answer is not received after that time then it will be discarded and a new one will be sent, and we will have one packet lost.
2. How does ping help me? (website ranking, indexing?)
Pinging to a site will not help you in website ranking because is not counting hits to your site, websites receive connections on port number 80 (and others) but PING is a different thing as I already explained. It won't help you indexing neither. Ping just checks that a machine is being reached and how long it took to go there and come back.
Ping results will help you as a checklist:
- the machine is turned on
- the machine is connected to the network
- the machine is accepting echoes and sending replies
- the average time of the packets
If a machine stops responding to a ping command, then you could begin checking the previous list: is it on?, is it connected? is a firewall blocking ICMP traffic? is something wrong with the bandwidth?
3. Which website should I ping?
You can ping any DEVICE you want, not websites. Maybe several websites are in the same machine. So there's no need to ping twice.
For example: if mail.yahoo.com is hosted in one server, and answers.yahoo.com is hosted in the same server then you do a ping to yahoo.com only. But if you know that they are in different machines then you should do a ping for each of them.
You could ping any website, regardless if their content.
5. Do I need ping same URL more then once?
Yes, that's recommended but the idea is not to overflow the bandwith with ICMP traffic.
Now my suggestions. If you notice that responses are taking too long, then there's another command that gives you more information than PING, and it's called TRACERT . With it you "Trace the Route" to a device, and you will not only see the amount of time taken but WHERE those packets are spending more time. You'll see, the packets "jump" from one device to another until they reach their destiny, that way you could see that they get to one point .. and they stop there, they can't continue, and you'll know where the problem is. On your local network, on your ISP, on the web server, etc.
I recommend you these nice tools: VisualPing and VisualTraceRoute:
Unfortunately the official website has been shut down but I have those applications and if you wish I can upload them on the Internet for you. Those 2 little apps will be handy. But you have to monitor "manually", I mean you have to issue the ping command.
If you prefer to do that automatically then I suggest to use AlertPing. You add the hosts you want to monitor, how often the ping will be sent and how you want to be alerted if a machine is not responding or taking too long. They have a freeware version available.
Now, if you want to do some PRO stuff then you have PRTG Network Monitor, which uses nice graphs to monitor your devices, and keeps logs. They have a free version as well:
official site:
you can ask for a free key to try all the features, and after that it reverses to the free version:
Sorry if you think this a very long answer. I'm a networks and Linux fan.
someone in Mexico.
dang it! When I started answering this question there weren't any other answers. Now that I have finished one of my most elaborated answers, and after reading those other answers .. I come to find that PING now has another meaning ... why is that?
Anyway, I hope that our PING definition helps you too, so you can keep an eye on those servers :)
And yes, the other answer about verifying web contents updates is better in your specific question. Thumbs up from me too.