telnet allows you to contact another computer and use it remotely.
To telnet, you need to:
# have an account
# a valid password on the host computer
To open a telnet connection, just type:
telnet hostname
where hostname is the IP number of the host.
# enter your username and your password when prompted.
# type lo or exit to terminate your telnet session.
Important: for security reasons, it is not possible to telnet to the VisLab computers.
You must use safe login alternatives such as Secure Shell (SSH).
For more info on security, check the SDSC security web page.
ssh stands for secure shell.
Just use ssh the same way than telnet:
ssh hostname
where hostname is the IP number of the host.
If you connect for the first time to a computer, you will be asked:
Host key not found from the list of known hosts.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
# answer yes.
# type lo or exit to terminate your telnet session.
ftp stands for file transport protocol.
As its name indicates, ftp allows you to move files from one computer to another.
Just type:
ftp hostname
where hostname is the IP number of the host.
# enter your username and your password when prompted.
The system will display a ftp> prompt.
# type bin to make sure you will transfer in binary mode.
To change directories on the host computer (if required), type:
cd directory
To change directories on the local computer (if required), type:
lcd directory
To transfer a file from the host computer to your computer, use get:
get file
or for multiple files:
mget file1 file2
To transfer a file from your computer to the host computer, use put:
put file
or for multiple files:
mput file1 file2
# type quit to terminate your ftp session.
Tip: when you are transfering several file, you will be ask for confirmation. To turn off the promp, type prom.