2009-08-31 02:20:56 UTC
I was just wondering what the restrictions are on column names when creating a table using PostGresSQL
The following wouldn't work for me,
Create Table ABUNDANCE ( Words varchar(24) , ABUNDANCE numeric(4) , LOTS numeric(4) , PLENTY numeric(4) , MANY numeric(4) , MONEY numeric(4) , FOOD numeric(4) , MUCH numeric(4) , LACK numeric(4) , SCARCITY numeric(4) , FULL numeric(4) , FAMINE numeric(4) , LARGE numeric(4) , LITTLE numeric(4) , MORE numeric(4) , PEOPLE numeric(4) , TREES numeric(4) , VARIETY numeric(4) , WATER numeric(4) , primary key (ABUNDANCE) ) ;
With the error message -
ERROR: syntax error at or near "FULL"
LINE 135: ...c(4) , LACK numeric(4) , SCARCITY numeric(4) , FULL numer...
For which I have absolutely no idea why it is happening?
Any ideas?