2011-07-27 19:50:20 UTC
void do_heading(char *filename);
int line, page;
main (int argv, char *argc [])
char buffer [256];
FILE *fp;
if (argv <2)
fprintf(stderr,"\nProper Usage is: ");
fprintf(stderr, "\n\n PRINT_IT filename.ext\n" );
exit (1);
if((fp = fopen( argc [1], "r")) == NULL)
fprintf( stderr, "error opening file, %s!", argc[1]);
page =0;
line= 1;
do_heading ( argc[1]);
while( fgets( buffer, 256, fp )!=NULL )
if(line % 55 ==0)
do_heading (argc[1] );
fprintf( stdout, "%4d :\t%s", line++, buffer );
fprintf (stdout, "\f" );
fclose (fp);
return 0;
void do_heading (char *filename )
page ++;
if (page >1)
fprintf (stdout, "\f" );
fprintf ( stdout, "Page: %d, %s\n\n", page, filename );
I'm doing this for myself it says wehn I try to build and compile it- I am copping it from a book -teach yourself c in 21 days and using codeblocks
test.c||undefined reference to `do_heading'|
test.c||undefined reference to `do_heading'|
||=== Build finished: 2 errors, 0 warnings ===|