Maybe a lot of trouble installing Ruby on Rails on Windows (while looking). here's how:
Step 1: Install Ruby
* donwload Ruby from The difference with existing files in is, in already existing binary files needed to run on Windows (already compiled with MinGW).
* There are two options for files, for download. In the form of executable files and which has been compressed with 7-zip. You can select one.
* For example Install / extract files have been downloaded to C: \ Ruby
* Ruby is ready for use
Nb: should you add C: \ Ruby \ bin to the PATH in User Variables or System Variables
Step 2: Install Gems
Gem is its package manager for Ruby. This is similar to apt-get, yum, or rpm on Linux distributions.
* Download Gems of
* Extract to C: \ RubyGems
* If in Step 1 you use the installer, you can click 2x the file C: \ RubyGems \ setup.rb
* If Step 1 uses 7z file, you can open a command prompt, then type
C: \ Ruby \ bin \ ruby C: \ RubyGems \ setup.rb
Gem is ready for use.
Step 3: Install Rails
* At the command prompt, type
C: \ Ruby \ bin \ gem install rails
This requires an internet connection
Yups, Ruby on Rails has been ready for use
If you want to install MySQL, type
C: \ Ruby \ bin \ gem install mysql