Always if you give more info about what you really want, people can help better.
I assume you are referring to process stack.
Whenever you call a function or a block gets activated a new structure known as activation or stack frame is created from the stack area. Which maintains stack pointer, return address vice versa. All the arguments which are passed and local variables in the function are referred with respect to frame pointer.
WHen you return from the function, the space of stack frame is released from the stack. This is true with the recursive functions also.
I advise you go through either of the following books
1. C and Data Structures: A snap shot oriented treatise using live engineering examples, NB Venkateswarlu & EV Prasad, S Chand & Co
2. Linux Programming Tools Unveiled, NB Venkateswarlu, BS Publications
3. Compiler Construction, Kenneth Louden, Galgotia
NB Venkateswarlu