Flash drop down menu?
2008-05-29 13:44:56 UTC
Hi all, i have created a horizontal menu bar with 6 buttons along the top (placed on a seperate layer above a background image) and have 1 horizontal rollout in two of the buttons, problem is i can't keep the rollout open when the mouse leaves the button that opened it, so i can't access the buttons on the rollout because it just disapears! I need some sort of 'hold open' command. Can anyone help? I really need this to work. I can send anyone who wants to help the SWF file or the FLA file to see what i've done.

Any help would be very much appreciated! (If anyone wants to email me please loki421 @

Many thanks in advance! :-)
Three answers:
2008-05-29 14:16:11 UTC
Not sure how good you are at Flash, but I'll give you a few tutorials that may help. The short answer is this: you need to control your buttons with Actionscript if you want this type of interactivity. You can't just create an animated button, because you can't modify your hit area dynamically - it's a static area unless you control the button with Actionscript. Sorry! Hope this helps. Cheers! (I recommend the youtube tutorial - it's video, and much more specific, not to mention the AS is much less intensive.)
2008-06-02 04:57:43 UTC
You need to be using double rollovers. But you should be using a mc instead of a button.
2016-11-14 04:58:45 UTC
The trick of having dynamic menu to be at the back of flash ingredient is fidgeting with the flash wmode aspects and set it to sparkling so as that it will only approximately sitting at the back of all different aspects i.e level_0. To set the wmode aspects once you're utilising java to load the flash, open the internet site that embed the swf.. and save on with this 3 steps: 1st place is previous the javascript function.. (occasion: word the addtional 'wmode' and 'sparkling')