2010-03-08 18:36:32 UTC
i actually started coding like that in my early days. the only reason why is bcuz i followed other programmers' examples and just adopted it bcuz everyone else was doing it and, hey, what did i know? then one day i asked myself, "what is the point?" as soon as i realized there was no logical answer, i immediately tossed that pointless casing convention out the window and began using proper casing.
i hate it so much, in fact, that when i see code written by other members on my team, i actually rewrite it so that all variables in the entire file are properly cased. i hate to sound like a d!ck here, but i wouldn't be so aggressive about this if there were some rhyme or reason to it. and don't go spouting off about personal preference. what.. you personally prefer to say "thisVariable" vs "ThisVariable" for what reason exactly? ok then.. i personally prefer "THISvariable" or "THiSVaRiaBLE". why? BCUZ I AM A NOOB PROGRAMMER AND IT'S WHAT I PREFER.
imo, proper casing is just more consistent. there's no reason to case your variable names any other way. yes, you agree with me and plan on changing your casing convention over to mine as soon as you finish reading this last sentence.