Source Code Definitions:
* All the tags and instructions contained in a text file used to compose a Web page.
* The original textual form of a program.
* The form in which a computer program is written by the programmer. Source code is written in a formal programming language that can be compiled automatically into object code or machine code or executed by an interpreter. (Ref: foldoc)
* Source code is the code that a program consists of before the program is being compiled, ie it's the original building instructions of a program that tell a compiler what the program should look like once it's been compiled to a Binary.
* A non-executable program written in a high-level language. A compiler or assembler must translate the source code into an object code (machine language) that the computer can understand.
* A set of programming language instructions that must be translated to machine instructions before the program can run.
* A computer program in its original, human-readable form. Source code is turned into binary code (ones and zeroes) which can be used by a computer in different ways depending on whether the language is compiled or interpreted.
* (Detail only.) A short code (3-4 characters) indicating the source of a journal in BFS. It generally identifies feeder systems such as large recharge systems, Payroll, Campus Accounts Receivable System (CARS), etc. A list of source codes for recharge units and the units they identify is available. ...
* instructions for the compiler.
* The programming language underlying any application. The source code may be written in any one of a thousand possible computer languages including Java, C++, Pascal, Basic or even Unix. Typically in proprietary software the source code is compiled (converted into machine language) and distributed as binary software. End-users are not able to view the original program and are therefore unable to alter it. ...
* The textual code listing which conforms to language specifications which is compiled into object code by a compiler, stored in source files. McCabe IQ parses source code to create metrics, structure charts, flowgraphs etc., and will also create a copy of instrumented source for compilation and testing to create coverage information.
* Commercially or in-house developed proprietary algorithms, macros, etc. that define how the software program works, completes its computations, etc.
* The readable form of code that you create in a high-level programming language. Source code is converted to machine-language object code by a compiler or interpreter.
* HTML (see above) is used to write source code. Source code for a Web page is usually stored in a file that ends with the .html or .htm extension.
* Program in high level language needing compilation to run.
* The form in which a computer program is originally written, usually in a language which other programmers can understand. In order to actually run, the source code is changed by the computer's compiler into an internal language which is much harder for humans (but easier for the computer) to understand.
* The original human-readable version of a program, written in a particular programming language, before the program is compiled or interpreted into a machine-readable form.
* The lines of code that make up a C++ program. Things written in the C++ programming language (or any other high-level language).
* The list of instructions written in a standard programming language used to construct a computer program. This information is not usually provided absent a court order or prior contractual agreement.
* A software program written using a programming language. It must be assembled, compiled , or interpreted before it can be executed.
* Human readable (hopefully!) program text. Source code can either be compiled and then stored as an executable on the computer, or interpreted by an ``interpreter'' to run directly (eg Python, shell, BASIC), though some things are between compiler and interpreter.
* Programming language or HTML tags that are used to create documents for the web and the Internet.
* Software program instructions written in a format (language) readable by humans.
* A computer program that has been written in an English-like computer language. It must be compiled to yield the object code before it can be run on the computer.
* A term for the "marked up" HTML document that is interpreted by a browser, and displayed as formatted web text. The "source" of a web document includes not merely the normally visible content, but all of the code and markup applied to it.
* program instructions written as an ASCII text file; must be translated by a compiler or interpreter or assembler into the object code for a particular computer before execution
* Source code (commonly just source or code) is any series of statements written in some human-readable computer programming language. In modern programming languages, the source code which constitutes a program is usually in several text files, but the same source code may be printed in a book or recorded on tape (usually without a filesystem). The term is typically used in the context of a particular piece of computer software.