What do these Linux Terminal commands do?
2012-10-19 12:02:28 UTC
It's Linux, OpenSuse and Gnome. I have no idea what the commands do, even when using them, so here I'll list a couple of commands that I really have no idea about. One per line:

cd .. /lib
ls -l /usr
ls -la /tmp
ls -l ..

Also... files that have names starting with a dot ... what does that stand for?
Five answers:
2012-10-19 12:11:02 UTC
cd. - is a useless command that basically just tells the terminal to go to the directory it's already at.

cd .. - tells the terminal to go to the directory directly above your current one.

cd - tells the terminal to tell you which directory you're currently at.

cd /lib - tells the terminal to go to the /lib directory

ls - tells the computer to list all the files in the specified directory (such as /usr and /tmp). I'm sorry I don't remember what the switches do, but if you type in "man ls" it will list all the ls switches and explain what they do.

Files that have names starting with a dot are scripts - meaning they're lists of pre-written commands that the computer can go through automatically in sequence... kind of like a very simple program.
2012-10-19 12:24:47 UTC
cd means " change Directory"

for example let's work on Windows :

Cd C:\windows\system32


Let's say my Current Direction on terminal or DOS is C:\ABC\My_Folder

if i Type :

Cd ..

the Directory Becomes :


Cd ..


did u get it ?



> Cd ..


>Cd ..


now about the Next Command :

ls >> List information about file

ls -la > Contains an additional Command to show the Folders and Files Info. in Details

like ipconfig /All

or Netstat -an

(in windows)
2016-08-02 09:46:11 UTC
If you understand that you simply definately have that software mounted (say that you may have ifconfig installed so that you can see you IP information) but whilst you type it you get 'command no longer observed', that specified command may just simplest be usable by means of using a superuser account. Swich to the superuser account via doing the following: su - the hyphen is main - it switches to the foundation (superuser) profile. The variety your password for the root account and sort your command. If it still says command not determined then it traditionally is just not installed or you could have the command improper. Set up it with apt-get or yum.
2012-10-19 12:10:10 UTC
CD. Does nothing

Cd.. Go to parent directory

cd does nothing

Cd.. /lib go to parent directory then go inside lib folder

ls - l /usr list usr contents
2012-10-19 12:11:01 UTC
For more info... Refer this...

If you dont understand you can goto terminal and type "man"


$man cd

$man cat

$man ls etc...

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