variable or function??
to swap integers have a temp value inside the function to store one of the integers.
do you use pointers because if not the original variables holding the numbers will still be the same and not reversed?
assuming you use pointers:
void SwapInteger(int *, int*);
void SwapInteger(int *firstval, int *secondval) (pointers to int)
int temp;
temp = *firstval ;
(dereference or get value of address pointed to by firstval)
*firstval = *secondval;
*secondval = temp;
assuming you know these stuff :-)
if you don't use pointers, you can't return two integers from a function so its gonna be a trickier than using pointers.
edit :
what do you mean by a receive? do you mean passing these as arguments to a function?
i don't think there is any way for a variable to act as three variables. given that you have two integers to be reversed, the temp variable will only take one declaration. the pointers are mainly address of the original two variables.
do you mean declaring only one variable to hold the operation to take the two integers and reverse it? make sure first that this is what your program wants. you can do only one assignment on an operation and you need the variables holding these integers to be included in the operation itself which would entail using 3 variables.