Want to learn programming?
2011-07-17 19:43:45 UTC
I have recently taken an interest in programming, however I have no prior experience whatsoever.

What would be the best language to learn first (easiest, most useful, etc).

Also, will it take very long to learn, and long to apply?

Nine answers:
2011-07-17 19:58:53 UTC
The easiest language to learn would probably be PASCAL. however its dead and not very useful. The visual version of that language is known as Delphi, but its out of date. Many will swear by C++ or Java. However they are both fairly complex for beginners. However for modern programming, you will need to learn one of those eventually.

My suggestion would be study C#. Why do you ask?:

1. Visual Studio 2010 C# Express is free (although there's also a C++ and Basic edition as well)

2. Its simple to use and the IDE makes programming easier with autocompletion (sort of like c++ meets visual basic)

3. When you learn C#, you will be able to pickup Java and/or C++ easily

C# is a great and capable programming language on its own. However its geared specifically for Windows. If you intend to develop for cell phones or other operating systems like Linux, than you may wish to study C++ or Java. Java is much easier than C++, however it doesn't run quite as smoothly (Java programs require a user to install the Java RunTime before it can run). Good luck with your decision.

Note: The reason why most people suggest so many different languages is because each language is generally better in certain areas. If you intend to make different types of applications, you will most likely need to learn multiple languages. However once you learn one language, nearly all languages are similar, so it becomes easy to pickup. As suggested, I found C# to be similar to both C++ and Java, even though when C++/Java are directly compared, they are considered much more different.

--------- Extended Note -----------

Everyone learns in different ways. I found what helped me learn the basics of a programming language was to search for simple examples. The most basic example you can find in all languages is whats known as the 'Hello World' example. Its a piece of code that simply prints out the message 'Hello World'. After you figure out how that works in a language, search for ways to expand that basic example. Then eventually focus on things you want to do, then find the programming syntax to achieve it.

2016-05-15 08:28:42 UTC
For a programmer, learning a new programming language is much, much easier than learning a new spoken language. However, learning a programming language can be difficult without being competent at programming already.
2011-07-17 20:29:39 UTC
As a new in programming you follow below things:

1. To clear you basic programming knowledge you first learn c language

2. then you learn c++ . It will clear you object oriented programming(OOP) concept.

3. Then you select a track to develop you career in programming:

a) you can choose Dot Net programming. It is the most popular programming side in the world. It a microsoft product.

b) you can choose Java. It is also a popular and rich programming language. It is also used to develop mobile software

c) you can choose PHP. It open source web programming language. It is popular through the worldwide for developing web base application , freelancing work.
2011-07-17 20:31:07 UTC
To learn computer programming, I suggest first searching google for more information on the subject. If you are going into web design (making websites), then is the most useful source I have found. They make you start with the basics. HTML CSS etc. eventually you can learn more advanced languages such as CSS and Java and JavaScript, for they are needed for more advanced websites. Hope this helped!

P.S. I am working on learning web design also and own, if you need any further help you can email me. Thanks
2011-07-17 20:09:20 UTC
if you want the easiest language, it's definitely python, which is popular and cross platform as well, but I recommend C++ to get to know the real basics of computer programming like variable types and how memory works.

If you're still confused, I recommend viewing some tutorials for beginners on Youtube.
Believe in yourself
2011-07-17 19:47:08 UTC
The thing is that first learn the basics and after that you can go for any language, java,c++,.net all these share some common topics so learn them first by searching in google.
2011-07-18 12:08:38 UTC
the easiest is qbasic. however kids use it so not a good idea. the easiest for our generation is visual basic. but the most useful is java and it is not that hard. but it is not the easiest
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2011-07-17 19:44:05 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.