If you want to use internet, you can use mobile phone - google for how to set up APN, on ubuntu it is easy.
But if you want to upgrade Ubuntu Repo - that is, if you want to use apt-get and don't have an internet which is always online, you can go to a cybercafe having high-speed connection. Download all the Repos and bring it home on DVD or pendrive. Bellow is a howto:
* Open terminal and enter:
sudo su
* On terminal enter the following. This will get the URL links in file - links.txt
apt-get upgrade --print-uris > links.txt
* You can use a download manager to download the files. You can use wget which is available both for windows and linux. The following wget command will download all the files found in links.txt, it will resume broken downloads and only download the files that are not already downloaded. On terminal enter:
wget -c -i links.txt
* Copy all the files to your /var/cache/apt/archives
Or to make current folder as local repo, cd to the folder and enter:
dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null >Packages
* Now the directory is a reposiroty & you have to add it to your /etc/apt/sources.list, open text editor gedit and open the file:
At the end of the file add the line mentioned bellow, then save the file:
deb file:/home/yourname/files ./
To disable other online repository open System -> Administrator -> Synaptic Package Manager. Click Settings -> Repositories and deselect the repos. Close this window and click on Reload. This makes the only local files available.
Now, click on update or any other way you would use for a repo. You can install program or look for dependency etc.
Finally, if your cybercafe don't have a linux computer, you can take a livecd, configure internet on their pc. This is only for the command bellow:
<> apt-get upgrade --print-uris > links.txt
If you can get the list in home with a mobile connection, then you don't need linux in cybercafe. This is only the filenames and not a large download.
- Best of luck.