Your computer is attempting to load something during that boot up process. Probably something that is part of a program that you downloaded and installed on your computer and then removed. But when you removed the program, it did not properly uninstall, so it is still trying to load something that does not exist (or is not all there).
From the Start menu, go the Run command and type in: msconfig . If you do not have the Run command turned on, typed it into the "search" instead
This will open a window with a "Start Up" tab. Go to that tab
You will see all the programs that are being loaded whenever you start your computer. These are all things that are NOT part of Windows itself and that your computer does not need to load in order to run Windows. You can turn on and off these programs by checking/unchecking them in the listing
Try turning off the different items in the list until you locate which one is causing the issue.
The fewer things you have loading when the computer starts, the faster it will load and the faster it will run. You will probably find that you can turn off EVERYTHING on the list, and your computer will run faster with fewer problems.