Here’s a top 10 list of reasons I’ve compiled of companies that either think they don’t need a website at all, or have an outdated site that badly needs updating:
1 - I’m too small of a company to have a website.
Well, I’ve heard of many people that have a website for their one man band operation. Better still, others have sites for companies that they have started on the side.
2 - We are only based locally.
At first glance, this looks like a plausible reason not to have a website. However, it is not. Wonderful things like Geo-Targeting increase a local company’s visibility in the region. Bob Nicholson does a good job explaining how Google uses Geo-Targeting for AdSense marketing in this video:
3 - I have a small website already, and it works just fine.
Your current website might not fit your company’s needs as well as it used to. The site may be outdated and not display correctly in modern browsers. Also, if you choose to advertise, your site may not be search engine ready. There may also be broken to links that you have linked to in the past.
4 - I’d like to have a website, but I heard that it costs too much.
A new website or a good refresh of an old one starts in the hundreds of dollars for a basic site, depending on how much is involved. You could even get a canned template website for less than that (although not preferred, more about that later).
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