It depends on the platform you're targeting.
First, learn to program in any language. Programming is a skill in its own right. Working on a mobile platform can add new challenges that a beginner doesn't necessarily need to deal with.
Most mobile development today is done using a variation of Java called the JME (Java Micro Edition) Learn standard Java first, and you shouldn't have too much trouble switching to Micro edition. The free Netbeans editor has a micro edition plugin that simplifies creating and testing mobile code.
Microsoft-based devices can be programmed using the .NET languages (C# and VB.NET in particular.) It feels very similar to writing a standard desktop GUI, and the tools for creating mobile apps come standard with Visual
Flash was looking promising for a while as a tool for mobile apps, but I'm not sure if Adobe's still looking that direction as agressively as Macromedia did.
Many applications can be built as web-based apps, which means you can do much of the programming on the server and leverage ordinary HTML / XHTML on the mobile client. This is especially promising, because it doesn't require any special skills or software, and the programs are automatically useful in standard and mobile devices.
There are a few languages you can use right on the device. PocketC is a variant of C for both the Palm and Windows CE families. It's reasonably cheap, and quite capable.
Many open-source languages are now becoming available on pocket devices, including Python and Lua. These are very intriguing, as they allow all kinds of interesting on-board programming capabilities.
Good Luck