About a month ago I decided to do the same thing. I purchased Java for Dummies 6th edition and Android for Dummies off of Amazon.com (about $23 a piece). I read through the first section of Java then played around with it a bit. I have a fairly strong background in C++ and QBasic, and I have worked with Python as well, so learning wasn't too difficult, but not necessarily easy. The books are great. They make it as easy as possible to understand. Coupled with the internet and Yahoo Answers it is not too bad.
I looked at what it requires to program on the Android and realized I was at a loss as to what they were doing. So I decided to look at Java Swing (a section in the Java book). It is Java's graphics user interface and can be used to write any type of program including games. It runs in the Java Runtime Enviornment so it is a real program. Furthermore, with Android being a GUI as well, it should help concept wise. I am about half way done with programming the Swing GUI, then I will move on to Android.
All Android programs use the SDK to do it.
If you are starting out programming, I'd suggest taking a class (if possible. Right now I am actually sitting in my Semester 4 C++ programming class). Otherwise, you will need to do a lot of playing around and reading to figure out what to do.
As for Java and Swing, I can probably answer questions you have, seeing as they most likely posed a problem to me as well. If you'd like to contact me further, email me at rphello101@cox.net and/or through Yahoo Answers.
By the way, download Java Oracle as well. It will allow you to write Java programs easily and allows you to use the SDK