2008-08-09 19:01:42 UTC
1. 5 Classes
2. Main Application Class: GradebookApp.java
3. Course Class: Course.java
* Variables: code (Ex: CIS 234), title (Ex: Object Oriented Programming)
* Methods: Constructor and get/set methods for each variable
4. Student Class: Student.java
* Variables: name (Ex: John Doe), email (Ex: johndoe@gmail.com), grade (Ex: 85.7)
* Methods: Constructor and get/set methods for each variable
* Additional method for returning an student's letter grade based on grade (no input variables)
o 90 and above = A
o 80 and above = B
o 70 and above = C
o 60 and above = D
o Lower than 60 = F
* Static variable to track the number of student objects created. Use a static method to return the value of the static variable.
* Static method to turn a double input parameter into a letter grade:
o 90 and above = A
o 80 and above = B
o 70 and above = C
o 60 and above = D
o Lower than 60 = F
5. UndergraduateStudent Class: UndergraduateStudent.java (Inherits from Student)
* Variables: major (Ex: Computer Information Systems), level (Ex: Junior)
* Methods: Constructor and get/set methods for each variable
6. Validator Class: Validator.java - Use the validation methods
7. Assignments must be delivered via email as a .zip files containing your 5 .java files.