Restart your computer and re-boot in Safe Mode and run System Restore that way.
There are two ways of booting in Safe Mode:
1- Once logged onto your computer, select Turn Off Computer, select Restart then you should be given an option to Restart in Safe-Mode.
2- Reboot your computer and at the Bios load up screen, press F8. This will bring you to a screen asking if you want to load Windows Normally, in Safe Mode or in Safe Mode with Networking. Select Safe Mode.
The only draw back is that in order to complete a full System Restore function, you must be the Administrator on the computer. If you are unable to log on as the Admin, you will need to either acquire the log on information or have your IT Admin log on.
Once logged on as the Administrator, roll back the computer (System Restore) to a date before you attempted to install the software. After the computer is rolled back, restart it and you should be good to go.
Ultimately, while it's always a last resort, you can also put in the XP disc and do a Clean Install (re-install XP Pro).