2013-02-25 02:14:33 UTC
My first programming language was Blitz Basic (procedural). I read through the entire book called "Game Programming for Teens" to learn it. I believe that I had a very firm grasp of how programming worked, at least at a beginner level. When I wanted to expand my knowledge to be able draw tile-maps though, there were no tutorials out there for the language that I could fully understand. So I gave up on the language. That was a couple years ago.
Over those years I have tried C, C++, Javascript, and Actionscript 3. I got up to the object-oriented part of each respective book and quit each of them soon after. I like the idea of object-oriented programming, but the deeper subject matter of it just seems to quickly overwhelm me. It's not really even that I don't understand what inheritance or abstraction is (although I admittedly can't remember what abstraction is off the top of my head), I think it's that there's just so much going on that you have to remember and manage. It makes writing my own OOPs difficult because I have to know how everything I'm writing interacts with everything else. Procedural programming comes very naturally to me. Any new language I select comes very easily to me at this point up until the OOP part.
I don't really remember how much of C I learned, but I probably ditched it because I couldn't find good tutorials relating to 2D programming. They've all been fun to learn up until their OO concepts. I really like Actionscript 3, but the OO concepts just crush me. Maybe I just need to learn them slower and make sure I've mastered each concept before moving on. It just seems so complex though, and when I look at how easy procedural programming is it's hard not to ask myself if I'm ever going to understand OOP.
Your thought? Maybe some book/tutorial recommendations (even though I've viewed countless on Amazon)? I've been think about re-learning Javascript through Codecademy.com. Or maybe Python. I love the process of learning a new programming language, but my brain just can't seem to handle it at a certain point. Thank you for your help.