2011-03-19 12:49:59 UTC
Windows Vista Home
WAMPServer 2.1
Apache 2.2.17
MySQL 5.5.8
PHP 5.3.5
PHPmyadmin 3.3.9
SQL Buddy 1.3.2
XDebug 2.1.0 5.3
ISS 7.0
Serv-U with the Navagator
For some reason I just don't seem to understand how to run the install.php. It says to run the file from a web browser. Perhaps to those who have set up a server before, this is easy to do. I can access my server with Serv-U or WAMP as well as CuteFTP. I can upload files to my server in the folders I created on my hard drive with privileges to those folders. I still don't understand how the files are associated with the Wordpress database I created or if the Wordpress install.php creates a database during the install process.
Am I still missing something ? Or do I just not understand how this works
I appreciate any advice or comments, so difficult to search through the garbage found in search engines until you stumble across little bits of info that helps. Just trying to get Wordpress working on a Windows Vista laptop. I think I am very close, just need to run install.php
Thanks much . . have a great day