2007-08-11 11:11:55 UTC
godfatherof5.com. iam giong to be selling things for people on ebay. now at the
site i have set up an instructions page. it uses rvsitebuilders form creator.
the form workes great for asking my customers to input the info i need from
them in each field box.....the only thing i cant figure out is how to create an
image upload form. by that i mean that once the other form is filled out with
the discription for the item they want me to sell for them, they need to be
able to upload several images of the item, so i can put those images in the
ebay auction. so i already have the info form, i need a multiple image uploader
with a send button. once they upload thier images and click send. it sends the
images to my email address the same as the info form.......hope this makes