I would defiantly advice to get it since the vb6 framework is bugy on NT systems to say the least
express is free
ide is virtually identical however the lanague is different well language is same but the framework it runs on is different vs2010 for vb uses .net framework where as vb6 uses visual basic framework
.net is totally different, the lanauge is the same as in if then else endif etc sub main blah blah blah but the things you can call are totally different they have made it as similar as possible but things like label1.caption = date
is now something like label1.text = System.DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()
but if ur experienced in vb a few hours with a .net manual \ online reference book u will soon pick it up
but like i said ide it self (visual studio is vertiuly the same) file new project vb.net windows form app drag drop same tool box same controls updated of course but lay out and where things are is virtually the same
its like windows media player 9 vs windows media player 10 looks different all control in roughly same place just few functions added and changed but if ur familiar with vb6 interface for visual studio ul pick it up as you go along quite easily
and to person below “It is like auto-complete but for programming. It's absolutely amazing in my opinion.” You mean like predictive text in object browers yeh vb6 does that aswell for example label1.c oo look a object box with caption comes up
“First big change is the interface. It can be easily changed and you can easily add new tools to customize your own work environment.” Err yeh but default is still almost identical hardly a big change just more customisation
I believe this person is asking about compatibility issues and if there going to have to relearn how use the entire thing
Answer is no but non of your vb6 projects will work in it
but that said it is probs best ide out there