There were a lot of people, places, and ideas that contributed to the formation of computer science and programming. Off the top of my head, here are some interesting ones:
George Boole: Inventor of Boolean algebra before there was even a need or puprose for binary mathmatics(1800s).
Herman Hollerith: The inventory of radix sort and the need to process huge amounts of census data. it used to take 10 years to process the census which needed to occur every 10 years.
Punch Cards: If I remember correctly, the first "programmable" machines were looms creating textiles. Although these were used at the beginning of the 17th century they carried over until the late 20th century.
Bell Labs: Where the transistor(one of the most important inventions of all time), C language, C++ were all invented... as well as a lot of work on theoretical physics.
A few interesting links: