The way the number is being displayed (4.7180130E+11) is in fact known as Scientific Notation, sometimes also referred to as Exponential Notation. It is a way of representing very large numbers, like 4.7180130 * 10^11 (10^11 is 10 to the eleventh power).
If a number from Excel is a whole number (no decimal portion), put it into a Long (variable or field) and display it in a Text Box on a form or report using the Format function.
For example: txtNumber = Format([myfield], "############")
If you want to test it first, open the Immediate Window (aka Debug Window) with Ctrl-G
then type: ? format(4.7180130E+11,"############")
If it isn't a whole number, then use Single as the datatype and include a decimal point followed by pound signs indicating however many decimal positions you want to see.
Pound signs in the Format function are placeholders. They display either a digit or nothing.
Also Note: the maximum value a Long can hold is 2,147,483,647. If any imported numbers are larger than that they will HAVE TO go into a Single datatype. You could also use a Double but I doubt if you need that much precision.