VPN - Virtual Private Networking
VPN solutions support remote access and private data communications over public networks as a cheaper alternative to leased lines. VPN clients communicate with VPN servers utilizing a number of specialized protocols.
Set Up a VPN (10) VPN Client Software (6)
VPN - Virtual Private Networking
VPN consists of private network access over public connections. A VPN can provide secure but more cost-effective LAN-WAN communication.
What Is a VPN?
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) implements private networks over public infrastructure
Benefits of a VPN
Advantages of a VPN over alternative technologies include improved scalability and cost savings particularly for wireless networking and network management.
VPN Tutorial
Your organization may already be using a VPN to save money and improve security, but how do VPN solutions work? This article explains the basics.
VPN Practice Exam
This interactive quiz presents common questions and answers about VPN technology. Test your knowledge of VPN the fun and easy way.
Top Free VPN Software Downloads
Several types of VPN software including clients, servers and utilities are readily available for download on the Internet. Use these free VPN software applications to set up more secure wireless / computer networks.
What Are the Key VPN Security Technologies?
Several different approaches to VPN security exist. What are the key technologies behind VPN security solutions?
Do Virtual Private Networks Run Over Satellite Internet?
VPN and satellite Internet technologies were not designed to work together. However, it is possible to establish virtual private networks over satellite connections in many situations.
VPN Tunneling
A Virtual Private Network uses tunneling technology to establish private connections through public networks like the Internet.
PPTP - VPN Tunneling Protocol
PPTP is a network protocol (based on PPP) used in the implementation of Virtual Private Networks.
IPsec is a technology standard for implementing encryption and authentication with Internet Protocol, most commonly for a Virtual Private Network.
Best Virtual Private Network Books
Any good VPN book covers the technology as well as business challenges surrounding VPN deployments.
Troubleshooting DNS Issues with a VPN - Discuss
One of our message board members works for a company who's Domain Name System (DNS) setup is not working properly with their VPN. Follow the trail of this discussion to see the steps involved in troubleshooting this kind of problem.
Microsoft PPTP VPN Traffic Analysis
PPTP is a popular VPN protocol found in Windows operating systems. This page describes how PPTP traffic flows over a VPN.