Hello There!
Use the Subst (subsitute) command and assign a drive letter.. . maybe G: or K: to the path to the directory where you have "new folder" (something with a space in the name)
I just made a directory called test. Than a sub directory called "new folder" . I use the command md "new folder" (there is a space between the md and "new folder") to create the directory with the space in the name. YOU MUST PUT THE QUOTES on either end of the name with a space in it.
Now, for you to work with these 'folders' that have spaces in them you must put them in quotes.
Then I traveled the path using the cd command to get to the "new folder" using quotes around the directory name with a space in, from the one directly above it.
Once there, I used the SUBST command and typed in at the prompt Subst K: . That is Subst K:(space period) to assign the Drive Letter K: to that current directory.. .which is "new folder"
Now I can copy files or what ever by simply typing
copy *.doc K: to copy files to "new folder" or
copy K:*.* c:\test to copy files from "new folder" to the directory called test.
The Subst command is very helpfull in these mixed name space environments.
When you have finished using the Subst command to assign the "new folder" a drive letter, you can actually type subst again and it will display the drive letter you have assigned and the directory path that you assigned the drive letter to. Then you will be able to see that you, in fact, have assigned a Letter to a directory or folder path.
And this to Wyatt:
It really depends on what you are doing as to which answer is best. And renaming the folder to remove a 'space' in the name could cause problems with something else. ..Like changing "My Documents" or "My Pictures" or "My Videos" might cause other programs who call these places internally to NOT WORK!
And using quotes and underscores can be a pain. Just assigning a drive letter with the subst command is really easy and you can even make it permanent and never have to worry about it again. Before you judge it as too complicated, why don't you just try it.