Actually, no on the performance. If your server is running Solaris or AIX, it takes long enough to start a process to run your binary file as it does to send wikipedia halfway round the world. It is possible to match or exceed the interpretive performance in some cases but generally, no.
The others are interpreters, waiting for the file, often running threads. There are more ways yet to do dynamic content using flash, FLEX, etc., that you did not mention. Perhaps the most interesting is WSGI, a strategy that fits many languages and allows middleware apps to stack on each other in meaningful ways, even when written in differing languages. Some frameworks written in Python use WSGI as a matter of course, and others have specific software to adapt to WSGI.
Moreover, there is SOAP, and REST, which make abstractions of web services, allowing communication between server and client with xml or JSON. Some of the interpreters have library modules to implement JSON directly into the language. This means sometimes that clients are receiving code to execute screen scrapings and such. You cannot do that with CGI.
Moreover, as you pointed out, it is cheaper to train someone to use PHP than C++, and the cheap drives out the dear. CPU time and storage are no longer significant cost factors relative to the human element in creating and maintaining programs.
To be sure, CGI and fCGI are still around, but arwe only a couple of the tools in a fairly deep chest.
I would recommend googling the following:
YAWS http server
Zope 2
Nitrogen Web Framework
The C++ Apache is way way outmatched by the Erlang-based YAWS, which can stand up to at least 100 times the pounding from a DDoS attack than Apache can.
What this all means is that there are many who never use C++, which makes the prices for that skill outasight, like $150/hr up. I am not unhappy with that situation. I get more for Python and C++ skills than most web programmers ever see.