Which is the simplest programming language?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Which is the simplest programming language?
25 answers:
2008-02-20 01:26:15 UTC


then possibly basic SQL

then HTML

If you are talking about a 3GL language that can open files, then VB6 / VBA

ryo_minoru: They are ALL programming languages. Scripting languages is a subset of the programming languages. Technically HTML is a markup language. Javascript is a scripting language.
2008-02-20 01:24:34 UTC
Unless you have an IQ of around 125+ I would not recommend C++, it's an Object Oriented language with loads of additional methodologies to consider and takes a GOOD programmer a long while to learn.

I would recommend something like Visual Basic. It's a great way to start as you will quickly see a finished product and that will drive you on. There are loads of tutorial available like this one
2015-10-20 18:24:02 UTC
all languages are easy to learn providing you already know one.....But I advice anyone to start with "C"....It provide you with all basic knowledge you will ever need in your programming career......But don't forget to be difficult or not is relative.....Just get your mind ready for it and it will work like magic for you.....But ask God's guidance and wisdom and practice everyday....PROGRAMMING IS FUN!!!
2008-02-20 01:23:10 UTC
yes it would be C + +.
2008-02-20 01:22:57 UTC
simplest at what?

simplest to learn?

simplest instruction set?

simplest to read?

simplest to code a particular type of algorithm?

simplest ____ (fill in the blank)?

i started with BASIC, learned Z80 and 6502 machine language, FORTRAN, and played around with Pascal, Visual Basic, Perl, Python, and a few somewhat obscure ones.
2008-02-20 01:30:06 UTC
Depends on the interest, u show towards that language..
2008-02-20 01:27:55 UTC

I learned enough in a day to make a pretty sweet pacman clone and a calculator
2008-02-20 01:26:47 UTC
Well i donno bout the others but i speak

asm, c, c++, c#,, vb,, php, java

and i tell u for starters visual basic is the best, vb does the most things for u so u can learn to think the way u need it to be a programmer. after u manged vb u shouldnt have much trubles to learn any language you like

btw. HTML is not a programming language its a scripting language same goes for java script
2008-02-20 01:22:52 UTC
'C' is simpler than 'C++'.

Basic is maybe the simplest. Visual Basic, these days.

Java is fairly simple.

For ultimate simplicity, perhaps Logo, if anyone uses it anymore.
2008-02-20 09:13:08 UTC
You mean simplest to learn? By your way of question I can assume you mean simplest to learn.

Then, no C++ is by no means the simplest programming language to learn, and Perl is just like asking for trouble. Perl in 2 words -> "Spaghetti Code".

Theres the BASIC programming languages like VBA, Visual Basic 6.0 and Visual Basic.NET(Visual Basic.NET neat IDE from microsoft and you can get a free express edition too), theres also LibertyBasic, BlitzBasic and DarkBasic(designed for easy game programming).

Then theres scripting languages like javascript, vbscript, jscript and even just shell scripts. Then theres Python, Lua, Boo etc-etc.

*Ruby and PHP are very simple and good too, the thing is they are more specifically used for web development.

*Python unlike PHP and Ruby, is a general purpose language not specifically geared just on web development but more for faster prototyping, for example for whatever project in C/C++, you could do with Python a lot faster, plus the fact that its a lot less error prone than C/C++, especially as your program gets bigger, so less time DEBUGGING!(thats a lot of time saved, believe me), and you can try pieces of your code in the interactive shell, give Python a shot so you see what I mean.

*Python has an implementation in .NET called IronPython if you want to use VS.NET but you will have to purchase either a standard or professional version which isnt free. And a java implementation called Jython.

*HTML is not a programming language, if you ever want to start here though, start learning xHTML.

*(someone mentioned BrainFuck) BrainFuck maybe simple in terms of just how small the language is but i wouldnt suggest it as an easy to learn programming language.

*Cobol a very old language though not dead not very alive either, but its syntax is very much like english.

*Java its easy to learn compared to C/C++ and even perl, especially its older versions, less keywords and features, but now not only has it grown so much, there are now more easier programming languages to learn than java. The complexity of Java is not the language truly, its the HUGE API.

To give you an idea, here are 6 programming languages that prints a very basic "Hello World" text.



REM print on screen Hello world

PRINT "Hello, world!"

REM wait for a key to be pressed


REM end the program




print ("Hello, World!")



print "Hello, World!"



public class HelloWorld {

public static void main(String[] args) {

System.out.println("Hello, World!");





using System;

class MyClass


static void Main()


Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");








and thus explains why BrainFuck is truly BrainF*ck! Imagine a more complex application other than just this simple program!, besides if I had to code something into a small architecture I'd rather do it in C or even worse assembly rather than in BrainFuck. BrainFuck cause your brain is gonna get F*cked!


I vote Python(other than its many features and the fact that its cross platform and its ease of use, you can also use python on the game called Battlefield for MODs, and Python is also FREE!) or Visual Basic(FREE to use Visual Basic.NET 2008 express edition and really for its great Microsoft IDE, using Visual studio its gonna be like drawing and just editing code, very user friendly for beginners), Lua(if you want to have some fun scripting World of WarCraft MMORPG, and its simple to use and learn) for the simplest to learn for beginners, and possibly to keep you interested while learning it, I know many people want to do some programming on games, keeps it fun that way and WoW scripting is one way to go, IMHO.

Though after everything mentioned, it truly is up to you, learning languages is not really the challenge its more on implementation, besides you will have your own preferences on which tools are best for which task as you learn, later on.
2016-12-28 20:49:37 UTC
Simplest Programming Language
2017-01-19 17:50:41 UTC
2016-11-07 09:54:07 UTC
Simple Programming Language
2008-02-20 01:30:26 UTC
Depends alot on your point of view, and what is meant by the simplist language. Do you mean simplist to learn, or simplist language by how few instructions there are to learn? The simplist language from number of instructions is probably a RISC based assembler like you would find on small microchip, probably only had 10 instructions total. But programming in such a simple environment is very difficult.

I personally think if you take a look and the Kerrigan and Richie book on ANSI C, that is the simplist book I have ever seen on a language, (probably 1/4 thick or less) and it is an excellent book.

C++ incorporates an object oriented model on top of C, so it is more complex, but still a relatively easy langauge.

I personally use Java, and find it comparable to C++ for learning, and enjoy it immensely, I think it is easier to use, since you don't have to worry about pointer problems or memory cleanup as you do in C or C++ (if you are a good coder, these don't bother you in C or C++, but it is a problem for all beginner programmers). For a good book on begining Java, I like the "Thinking in Java" book which starts you out in some generic Object oriented topics you need to understand before you get into the language.
2008-02-20 01:33:25 UTC
C++ is peraphs the single most complex languge in existance among commonly used programming languages. It requires a LOT of experience to write 'safe' code in C++.

Java and C# are really more approachable, then there are tons of other programming languages each with its strong and weak points.

Your question is a bit too generic to give you a good answer, but if you are looking for a way to start learning to program I would not look for the simplest language but the most 'didactic' one.

C (not c++) will teach you the basics of programming, Java will give you strong fundamentals of OOP, you choose.
Charles R
2008-02-20 02:08:14 UTC
That is very subjective and the answer will be very confusing, this is why you get so many answers. But one thing that I can assure you of is that C++ is not the simplest in any sense. C++ uses pointes alot and that can be confusing to beginners. So if you are talking about learning a language it is not the simplest. I should say that the term simple should be defined more. By simple do you mean easiest to learn, smallest number of reserved words, or easiest for the computer to understand. By the nature of your question I will assume that you are looking to learn programming and want the easiest to learn. If this the case I am going to confuse even more because even in this there is ambiguity. One criteria is the amount of online help. Another is the availability of the interpretur/compiler. Still another is the type of applications you intend to develope if you are intending to develope web based applications or desktop applications. Finaly can you get or afford a integrated developement enviornment for that language. With all of this in mind let suggest some candidates. Visual BASIC is the first. Basic stands for Beginners All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. It is a very forgiving language does not allow some common C++ memory allocation errors like buffer overrun. You can get everything you need to get started (language and IDE) from microsoft at BASIC can develope either desktop or web applications. There are several popular open source interpreted languages that beginners have found easy to learn. These include Python, Ruby, and PHP. These are free and you can get free IDEs for them. There is alot of help for them on the web. While you can use Python Ruby and PH for desktop apps their strength is in web based applications. A good choice in IDE's is Aptana for these languages. the community edition of Aptana is free I am finally going to get to the most available language of all JavaScript. It is built right into your browser and all you need to get started is a text editor. Carefull with JavaScript take the time to learn it right. There is a lot of bad advice out there for JavaScript. This is in part do to the forgiving nature of the language. Look up YUI theater and Listen to Douglas Crockford his lectures will give you a good introduction and highlight some of bad pratices that have led to JavaScripts bad reputation.

If you are still looking for compiled languages a versitile and somewhat safer choice is Java. Don't get confused here Java is not JavaScript these are very different languages. Java is the more powerfull of the two and can create both web and desktop applications. You can get the language and then get netbeans or eclispe as your IDE both are free.

Now that I have said all of this I still encourage you to learn C++ at some point because it has a syntax and structure that is simular to many other languges including PHP, C#, Java, JavaScript, Pascal, many UNIX scipting languages,Perl, I could go on and on. Just understand that knowing C++ is useful but may not be where you want to start.
2015-08-18 22:56:40 UTC
This Site Might Help You.


Which is the simplest programming language?

Is it C++ or what?
2008-02-20 03:02:21 UTC
in my opinion all the programming languages are simple. but the only thing is programming on that languages depends on the logic

thank u


2008-02-20 02:10:04 UTC
Visual Basic

Visit this free Vb tutorial website for some quick lessons.

It is the top searched Vb tutorial site at Google
2008-02-21 14:43:28 UTC
assembly & machine code... that is the most simple language everything else compiles into...
2008-02-20 01:21:00 UTC
2008-02-20 01:22:19 UTC
After you learn one they get ezer..Hell i started with pascal long ago..
2008-02-21 01:29:56 UTC
java is simple
2008-02-20 01:20:50 UTC
iNsTaNt pUdDiNhEaD
2008-02-20 01:22:25 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.