Java is a an object-oriented programming language.
There were five primary goals in the creation of the Java language:
It should use the object-oriented programming methodology.
It should allow the same program to be executed on multiple computer platforms.
It should contain built-in support for using computer networks.
It should be designed to execute code from remote sources securely.
It should be easy to use and borrow the good parts of older Object Oriented languages like C++.
Early history
The Java platform and language began as an internal project at Sun Microsystems in December of 1990. Patrick Naughton, an engineer at Sun, had become increasingly frustrated with the state of Sun's C++ and C APIs (application programming interfaces) and tools. While considering moving to NeXT, Patrick was offered a chance to work on new technology and thus the Stealth Project was started.
The Stealth Project was soon renamed to the Green Project with James Gosling and Mike Sheridan joining Patrick Naughton. They, together with some other engineers, began work in a small office on Sand Hill Road in Menlo Park, California to develop a new technology, aimed at programming next generation smart appliances such as microwaves, which Sun expected to be a big application of future technology. The team originally considered C++ as the language to use, but many of them as well as Sun's chief scientist, Bill Joy, found C++ and the available APIs problematic for several reasons.
Their platform was an embedded platform and had limited resources. Many members found that C++ was too complicated and that developers often misused it. They found C++'s lack of garbage collection a problem, as well as its lack of portable facilities for security, distributed programming, and threading. Finally, they wanted a platform that could be easily ported to all types of devices.
According to the available accounts, Bill Joy had ideas of a new language combining the best of Mesa and C. In a paper called Further, he proposed to Sun that its engineers should produce an object-oriented environment based on C++. Initially, Gosling attempted to modify and extend C++, which he referred to as C++ ++ -- , but soon abandoned that in favor of creating an entirely new language, which he called Oak after the tree that stood just outside his office.
Like many stealth projects working on new technology, the team worked long hours and by the summer of 1992, they were able to demonstrate portions of the new platform including the Green OS, the Oak language, the libraries, and the hardware. Their first attempt focused on building a PDA-like device named Star7[1] having a highly graphical interface and a smart agent called "Duke" to assist the user. It was demonstrated on September 3, 1992.
In November of that year, the Green Project was spun off to become FirstPerson, Inc, a wholly owned subsidiary of Sun Microsystems, and the team relocated to Palo Alto. The FirstPerson team was interested in building highly interactive devices, and when Time Warner issued an RFP for a set-top box, FirstPerson changed their target and responded with a proposal for a set-top box platform. However, the cable industry felt that their platform gave too much control to the user and FirstPerson lost their bid to SGI. An additional deal with The 3DO Company for a set-top box also failed to materialize. Unable to generate any interest within the TV industry for their platform, the company was rolled back into Sun.
Java meets the Internet
In June and July of 1994, after a three-day brainstorming session with John Gage, James Gosling, Bill Joy, Patrick Naughton, Wayne Rosing, and Eric Schmidt, the team re-targeted its efforts yet again, this time to use the technology for the Web. They felt that with the advent of the Mosaic browser, the Internet was on its way to evolving into the same highly interactive vision that they had had for the cable TV network. As a prototype, Patrick Naughton wrote a small web browser, WebRunner, later renamed HotJava.
It was also in 1994 that Oak was renamed Java. A trademark search revealed that the name Oak had already been taken by a video adaptor card manufacturer, so the team searched for a new name. The name Java was coined at a local coffee shop frequented by some of the members. It is not clear whether the name is an acronym or not. Most likely it is not, although some accounts claim that it stands for the names of James Gosling, Arthur Van Hoff, and Andy Bechtolsheim, or Just Another Vague Acronym. Lending credence to the idea that Java owes its name to the products sold at the coffee shop is the fact that the first 4 bytes of any class file spells out the words CAFE BABE if read in hexadecimal.
In October of 1994, HotJava and the Java platform was demonstrated for Sun executives. Java 1.0a was made available for download in 1994, but the first public release of Java and the HotJava web browser came on May 23, 1995, at the SunWorld conference. The announcement was made by John Gage, the Director of Science for Sun Microsystems. His announcement was accompanied by a surprise announcement by Marc Andreessen, Executive Vice President of Netscape, that Netscape would be including Java support in its browsers. In January of 1996, the JavaSoft business group was formed by Sun Microsystems to develop the technology.
Recent history
After several years of popularity, Java's place in the browser has steadily eroded. Its usage for simple interactive animations has been almost completely supplanted by Macromedia Flash, and as of 2005 it tends only to be used for more complex applications like Yahoo! Games. It has also suffered from opposition by Microsoft, which no longer plans to ship a Java platform with new versions of Internet Explorer or Windows.
By contrast, on the server-side of the Web, Java is far more popular than ever, with many websites using JavaServer Pages and other Java-based technologies in their front-ends.
On the desktop, stand-alone Java applications remain relatively unusual because of their large overhead. However, with the great advances in computer power in the last decade, along with improvements in VM and compiler quality, several have gained widespread use, including the NetBeans and Eclipse IDEs, Limewire and the Azureus BitTorrent client. Also, Matlab's latest versions (at least from 6.0 and onwards) heavily depend on Java for rendering their user interface and part of their calculation functionalities.