There are three main professions in web-making: web DESIGN, web MARKETING and web DEVELOPMENT.
The Designers are "Artists" who can make beautiful and attractive images. These, at least most professionals, use Photoshop (the industry standard). Amongs them, there are a few who have a little bit of knowledge of the requirements (or constraints) imposed by the web: their design facilitate the work of the coders.
The Marketeers are more salesmen: they convey a CONTENTS that make the visitor of the site to WANT the product, or the information. Too many sites (99.9%) forget or discard that part of the web making, and wonder why the site does not make them millions of $. These professionals have good skils in Business, Management and Advertising. These are the people that convince the webstite owner to spend 1000$ on their web development, but also to spend another 10,000$ in ADVERTISING their websites. They do not drive you to have mutliple Search Engine Optimisation: it leads nowhere in the short term, and leads little in the long term.
Finally, you have the DEVELOPERS. These coders make the site "work". Always behind de scenes, his work is "invisible" (as it should be!), but these are the ones that make your site visit entertaining, profitable and enjoyable. These are the ones that make the site to "look good" and work well on ALL browsers, at ALL resolutions. They use a plain text editor and NOTHING else!
They don't use Joomla, Miva, ROR, Drupal, or ANY off-the shelf scripts: they don't need it, because they KNOW how to code. Their code is efficient, fast and bug-free. Any coder using any off-the-shelf script, or any Integrated Development Environment is NOT a professional. He/She may be a good amateur, but will ALLWAYS be an amateur.
Software? Photoshop, Notepad++, and a degree in Marketting.
Nothing else.