1) on paper, draw 4 boxes representing each table
2) List each field in each box (table)
3) Draw a line between tables 1 and 2, 2 and 3, and 3 and 4 so that the lines connect fields that are related (that is, contain values that exist in both tables)
4) Now, highlight the fields from the tables you want.
Here's one way you construct the query:
a) use a select statement "SELECT"
b) list the names of each field (qualified by the name of the table by prefixing the field name with the table's name and a dot) and separate each field with a comma
c) use a FROM clause
d) list the 4 tables separated with commas
e) use a WHERE clause
f) using the lines you drew (there should probably be 1 line between each, so you probably have 3 lines), list the fields (again, qualified by the table name and a dot) so that the field on one side of the line EQUALS the field on the other side of the line, and separate each clause with a comma
g) add additional WHERE clauses depending on your assignment
(this is the older method that's easier to explain than by having you use a JOIN statement)
Your 2nd paragraph is a bit unclear; however, you do have an outline, and should be able to figure out the rest.