Columns don't have rows. Tables have rows. And columns.
MS-SQL and Oracle both list maximum rows per table as unlimited, or limited by available disk size. See links.
Not sure about MySQL. MyISAM may have, innodb may not. Would take more Googling to know for sure.
In practice, a 1 trillion row table, even if it only has 1 column isn't going to work very well. You'll need mulit-terabyte storage available to hold all that data. Any query that doesn't work off indexed columns (requires a full table scan) will take ages to complete.
When you get into large tables like that, you typically want to partition the data across multiple tables.
There are certainly many multi-terabyte databases around today. But there are none with a trillion rows in a single table. There are only 8 billion people in the world. Why would you need 125 rows for each person?
And suppose you could insert a million rows into this table in a single second. That's 1 row every microsecond. That's ***WAY*** beyond the capability of any machine today, hard drives just aren't that fast. But suppose you could. It would take you 694 days to insert a trillion rows. Scale the insert time down to what modern hardware can actually do today, do the math again, and I would guess it would take longer than computers have been around.
So...Yes. You can. In theory. But don't bother actually trying it.
ETA: The limits larrybud posted are specific to Microsoft's implementation of SQL. Other SQL engines have different limits. MS-SQL is only one of many SQL implementations. SQL itself has no limitations on anything, it's just a programming language definition.